My eldest son was suicidal 3 years ago. The demands of school outstripped his ability to meet the expectations. He was in the mental health unit for 2 weeks. Upon returning to school, it was a long, hard battle with a school with zero knowledge of how to help. Ultimately, we had to pull him out to homeschool. He has been out of receiving proper education for 3 years. Our second son, currently 10, is the one from this questionnaire. I had to homeschool all 5 kids last year due to the inexperience of our school. We attend an INCREDIBLE school now, although, even now, two schools called Social Services on me. My 10-year-old has struggled all year with school refusal, and I have been searching where best to get him counselling. We are currently waiting yet another week to meet as a team to discuss medication for him (he has hit depression and withdrawal the past month.) There are NO accessible supports for him, and there is NO way he should have slid as far as he has. It is not due to the school at all; our missing piece is accessing counselling for him.